Since its foundation So the Child May Live has worked to save and improve the lives of children in Nepal. We work to facilitate best practice in paediatric care in the country, principally working to support the clinicians at Kanti Children’s Hospital, the only dedicated children’s hospital in Nepal. We have promoted, encouraged and financed a partnership between Kanti and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool.
Staff travel regularly between the two hospitals for training and development in the latest services and techniques. We work with other organisations to facilitate their initiatives in Nepal. Until recently, we have financed a clinic in a remote area of the country. We also provide many items of medical equipment and much needed specialist supplies. This work has been constantly evolving over the last 30 years as relationships have strengthened and technology has developed allowing new methods including telemedicine to be used.

The health care culture in Nepal is improving greatly, but is still many years behind that of richer countries. We address this through good links with the Nepalese community within the UK, particularly with Nepalese doctors working here. The bulk of our funds goes to support UK clinicians who give their time to work in Nepal to train and develop the local staff. This gives us a problem, since these are busy, highly qualified professionals with very limited time at their disposal. However, we believe it is the way to generate the greatest ongoing benefit from the money that you donate.
We are a registered charity (1140243). Everyone involved with So the Child May Live is a volunteer. We spend no donated money on governance. We spend a little donated money on administration. We spend a little donated money on fundraising. In the UK, between 60 and 70 per cent of charities’ annual spending goes on “charitable activities” – i.e. providing the services or fulfilling the duties that the charity exists to provide. With So the Child May Live it is over 95 per cent. Over 95% of your donations goes to relieve sickness and promote the good health of children – and each pound used to meet basic human needs in the developing world accomplishes so much more. Please see our UNICEF video which argues persuasively that interventions such as ours ‘Pave the way for a more prosperous Nepal’.
You can read more about our projects by clicking on the links below.